Following the announcement of the General Election on 4 July 2024, a number of Bills failed to make it through the legislative process before Parliament was prorogued.

This included two Bills which are important for litigation and arbitration practice. We have previously commented on the Arbitration Bill and the Litigation Funding Agreements (Enforceability) Bill, which were set to modernise the law on arbitration and reverse the effect of the Supreme Court's decision in the PACCAR case ([2023] UKSC 28), respectively.

On the Parliament website in respect of both Bills, it is stated that "The 2023-24 session of Parliament has prorogued and this bill will make no further progress.

Both Bills had general support, but the Litigation Funding Agreements (Enforceability) Bill's proposed retrospective effect arose as a particular matter for debate. The status quo therefore remains for now in these areas and it will remain to be seen whether these Bills, in their current or an amended form, will be introduced again in the new parliamentary session.